stary graphic arts


Art-quality prints available in 11 x 17″ or 22 x 34″ sizes.

Please note:
I am currently only able to accept online payments via Paypal.

To pay with your credit card, please email me your order and I will send an payable invoice to you via Square.

To order and purchase with Paypal:

1) Select size beneath the print you wish to purchase.

2) In window that opens, click ‘add to cart’

3) When you’re done shopping, go to Checkout page.

2024 Walnut City Music Festival

2024 WCMF Walnut Factory

McMinnville UFO Fest – Visitors Welcome

Ships To Roam – Mattie’s Room  10/7/23

Ships To Roam & Manitoba Road Crew – 6/21/23

Stary Graphic Arts